Vaccination & Immunization Clinic

Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones: Vaccination and Immunization Clinic at Blue Cross

The Vaccination and Immunization Clinic at Blue Cross is committed to keeping you and your family healthy by providing convenient and comprehensive vaccination services. Our highly experienced Consultant Vaccinologist is dedicated to ensuring you receive the recommended vaccinations to prevent a range of infectious diseases.

Why Vaccinate?

Vaccinations are a safe and effective way to protect yourself and others from serious illnesses. Vaccines work by exposing your body to a weakened or inactive form of a virus or bacteria, which helps your immune system develop antibodies to fight off the disease in the future.

We Offer Vaccinations for:

Schedule Your Vaccination Today:

Protect yourself and your loved ones from preventable diseases.  Contact the Vaccination and Immunization Clinic at Blue Cross today to schedule an appointment or learn more about the vaccines we offer.

Contact Us

Call Us: 94 112876888

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