Minor Surgery & Wound Care

Minor Surgery and Wound Care: Efficient Treatment, Expert Care

Blue Cross offers efficient and effective minor surgical procedures in a comfortable outpatient setting. Our team of qualified surgeons and nurses provides personalized care throughout your surgical journey, from pre-operative consultation to post-operative wound care.

What is Minor Surgery?

Minor surgeries are procedures that typically involve:

  • Local anesthesia, numbing the area of the surgery, rather than general anesthesia.
  • Small incisions or no incisions at all (in some cases).
  • Relatively short procedure times, allowing for same-day discharge.

Common Minor Surgeries:

  • Skin tag or wart removal
  • Biopsy (tissue sample extraction)
  • Laceration repair (stitches)
  • Abscess drainage
  • Excision of lumps, bumps and cysts
  • Foreign body removal
  • Toenail removal
  • Joint injections


Experienced Staff: Our team is highly skilled in performing minor surgeries and ensuring optimal wound healing.

Personalized Care: We tailor our approach to your specific needs and answer any questions you may have.

Convenience: Outpatient minor surgery allows you to recover in the comfort of your own home after the procedure.

Efficiency: Many minor surgeries are performed quickly and efficiently, minimizing disruption to your daily routine.

If you are considering a minor surgical procedure, contact Blue Cross today to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced surgeons. We are committed to providing high-quality care and ensuring a smooth recovery for all our patients.

Contact Us

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